We have promoted the science of optimal living in different ways in our quest to make positive psychology more accessible to every day people in Hungary.-
Barnabás Kiss, Journalist from Magyar Narancs, interviews Paul Pahil about his work, the leading positive psychologists Professor Martin Seligman and Professor Mihaly Cszikszentimihalyi and the Happy Planet Index.
Hajnalka Szarvas interviews with Paul Pahil about his first experiences in Hungary, his perceptions of Hungarians and life in Hungary.
- Positive Emotions
Scientific research on positive emotions suggests that feeling good is far more important than many people suspect. Your moments of heartfelt positivity can transform your life for the better by building your resources, strengths and your health. Positive emotions builds resilience, coping, physical abilities, emotional intelligence, social skills and self-mastery that becomes over time. Published in website.
Newsletters available in PDF format
- Életerő Newsletter, June 2010: Strengths at Work The article explores the strength-based approach in the workplace. The strengths are grouped under 6 main headings of virtues and the article explores the key components of a strength. It also highlights the key benefits of using strengths, that is to improve performance, productivity, motivation and work satisfaction.
- Életerő Newsletter, June 2010: Intuition at Work This newsletter explores the role of intuition in management, examining both analytical and intuitive thinking. It examines the role of intuition in the business decision-making process and problem-solving process, as well as the benefits of intuition.
Életerő Newsletter, June 2010: The State of Health in Hungary
This newsletter explores the role of intuition in management, examining both analytical and intuitive thinking. It examines the role of intuition in the business decision-making process and problem-solving process, as well as the benefits of intuition.
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Articles available in PDF format
How To Have A Positive Relationship?
The article examines the key role of positive emotions on developing personal relationships. Also it explores how the process of capitalisation and bids improves your relationship well being. Published in Joy Magazine's 2010 March issue.
- Living in the Present
This article examines the role of emotions in our daily lives and how our positive emotions increases our scope of awareness. It explores the process of being mindful as well as how to value ourselves and time. Finally the article highlights the negative emotions of stress and explores how people get stuck in stress. Published in Joy Magazine's 2010 May issue.
„Ovaj trening mi je dao mogućnost da raspravim situacije u rukovođenju kakve obično doživljavam, da primim savjete ali i da sama savjetujem. Osjećam više od zahvalnosti i svjesnosti stvari koje me okružuju. Prije ovog treninga djelovala sam bez mnogo promišljanja, sada o stvarima razmišljam u dubljem kontekstu.”
Susan Lumpkin, suradnica u PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. Ured Budimpešta
„Trening je dao novu dimenziju mom životu. Sada mogu prepoznati sve pozitivne emocije koje osjećam - ranije baš i nisam uvijek stala i razmislila o njima. Ovaj trening dao mi je više samopouzdanja.”
Natalie Zhukova, Mars International
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10 pozitivnih emocija : 1 negativna emocija